Faith World Ministries International Assemblies
His Grace Ezekiel Williams
Presiding Prelate and Establishmentarian
Why Become A Member
Solidarity - Unity
Lord Make Us One
Jesus Christ said in John 17:21-23 “My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us: and the world will believe you sent me. [22] I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are [23] I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one. Then the world will know that you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me.”
It’s worth mentioning that true unity is based on being in Christ Jesus, and his church has little to do with any particular congregation or organization. Individuals, congregations and organizations alike will always have differences, but the true unity of Christ prevails over our differences, and allows us to experience sweet fellowship with one another. It is through such fellowship, such coming together, that men and women with faith in God are able to unite - sharpening one another, just as iron sharpens iron.

Ministry Training
Apply Your Heart to Wisdom
FWMIA endeavors to offer better access and substantial tools to local pastors by equipping clergy, ministry leaders and workers, for advancement in his/her kingdom assignment. We want to make
opportunities for continued religious education available through various Christian resources. You can enjoy teaching sessions dealing with Homiletics, Hermeneutics, Church Growth and Church Planting, A Holistic Approach to Ministry, and more.
Go Ye Therefore
FWMIA is committed to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. We endeavor to take ministry trips to foreign soil, for the purpose of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the lost. FWMIA will train missionaries for the mission fields, and will make a positive impact in the world.